2024 - Reunion Solstice
Our eighth Uluru event was the fifth that we have celebrated at Uluru, and it was 4 years to the day that we had been there to see in the Age of Aquarius. It seemed that the conference had evolved to a new higher vibration than ever before with THE most magical group of delegates rising to the occasion. This time were there to celebrate the permanent harmony time of the leylines that coincided with the solstice. And more on that to come!
We had more content, more speakers and more offerings than ever before. We were so grateful to the speakers and facilitators for their profound contributions to our delegates and the the collective and individual advancement of consciousness. Their healing, wisdom and dedication to the uplifting of humanity was truly transformative.
Our speakers and facilitators were:
* Dr Bryan Ardis
* Judy Satori
* Phoenix the Mentalist
* Rachel Vaughan
* Steve & Even Strong
* Carrie-Anne Fields and Chris Bygraves
* Andrew Lewis
* Eesha Patel
* Source 88 - Tim & Elise
* Rufus Rogey
* Joanna Walden
* Fabiene Lui
* Dr Shauna Bostock
* Cyril McKenzie
* Dr Clay Spencer
* Robert Jameson
* David C Bumblebee
* Charlotte Bellcom
* Doug McIntyre
* Aurora Pagonis and
* Craig Cole as Conference MC
Facilitators of truth and light are the bridges between the seen and unseen, guiding us toward our highest potential.
Getting Started - Fun and Frivolity
Our pre-conference event was a night of hilarity and a great icebreaker. The incredible Phoenix the Mentalist presented Mindgames Stage Hypnosis Show. The audience roared with laughter as volunteers spoke alien languages, became race car drivers, catwalk models, and more. We got another amazing dose of Phoenix when he closed Day 1 with his keynote presentation on Mindset, showing how our subconscious minds can limit us and how we can overcome those blocks to achieve great things to transform our worlds.
Day One Begins
The morning commenced with Pati Hueneke providing Golden Light Transmissions and lots of socialising over coffee before the day's proceedings.
Conference MC, Craig Cole, who has been a speaker at two previous CC Conferences, got the event off to a strong start including spine tingling moments from sound healers, Rufus Rogey on didgeridoo and Source 88 on crystal bowls and vocals. Craig continued to give a solid, strong presence and hold space for 160 plus people throughout the entire event.
Popular speakers Steve & Evan Strong were warmly welcomed to the stage giving a reminder of all that we achieved at the December 2020 event at our powerful solstice ceremony – one that the world joined in with.
Following that Judy Satori had everyone in awe of the alchemical transformation that is available for earth healing and personal elevation of consciousness.
Two strong powerhouse feminine warriors, Dr Shauna Bostock and Fabiene Lui blew everyone away with their presence and message contained within their own stories of the lives, ancestors and experiences that have shaped them. Andrew Peter Lewis flew in from Europe - one of Italy's best known 'tappers' - and shared about the power of using Spiritual Tapping for soulful transformation.
Courage and Strength
The evening panel was one of the most confronting, moving and empowering sessions we have ever witnessed, brining most of the audience to tears. The three survivors of MK Ultra and SRA (Rachel Vaughan, Doug McIntyre and Charlotte Bellcom) shared some of their heinous childhood events. Yes, it was uncomfortable, even distressing at times. Yet they shone a light on the very dark underbelly of Australia's satanic leaders. It is necessary to know and truly understand thy enemy. As warriors of light, we must understand the full extent of the darkness on this planet and how they interact amongst us, often in public positions. But these three incredibly strong survivors have healed and overcome their extremely traumatic pasts and have come out the other side to shine and grow and help other survivors heal as well. Doug McIntyre concluded the evening with words so moving and empowering that there was not a dry eye in the house. It reminded us that as humans we can overcome anything, not only to survive - but thrive.
Day Two
The second day of the Conference was equally as amazing! More sound healings, more profound insights from Judy Satori and more fascinating knowledge from the Strongs. Plus, the magnificent mind of David Bumblebee helped everyone understand how to awaken our cosmic crystal antenna for enhanced psychic awareness. Then local Anangu elder, Cyril McKenzie together with Dr Clay Spencer shared some of their stories about supernatural beings and dreamtime stories.
Rachel Vaughan gave an outstanding presentation that kept everyone totally spellbound talking about leylines, portals and how to see them, sense them and use them for healing.
Brad Spali, Hayley Wallace and Russell Taylor from Nature Harmony Systems Green Clean who were exhibiting their weather harmonisation systems, also hopped on stage and shared a presentation about their stations counter-effect harmful weather modification, highlighting how we can take back control and bring back balance to our immediate environments.
Solstice Ceremony
That night we held our Solstice Ceremony a sandhill looking out over Uluru, those present joined together for a beautiful event. Rachel Vaughan summed up the event perfectly:
"For the recent summer solstice, between the 20th and 22nd December, I attended and spoke at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference at Uluru.
It was an incredible experience – not just speaking before the beautiful, enlightened audience who felt like family (the good kind!) – but most importantly the ceremony on the sand hill overlooking Uluru at the precise time of solstice on Saturday the 21st of December.
It may sound bizarre, but I felt that the main reason why I survived my horrific childhood was to attend that solstice ceremony. Something happened on the sand hill that night which I cannot fully describe, but which made sense of much of my current lifetime.
At the precise time of solstice, I sang the Ley Love Down song – Time to Rise – with the many other souls in attendance.
Time To Rise lyrics: ‘Ley Love Down where they cross in the morning; it is time to Rise – when we’re done they are done.’
The number 5 in numerology relates to freedom. So we sang the refrain 5 times, for freedom.
As we sang together our heartbeats harmonised. It is a known fact that those who sing in choirs together have harmonised heart beats. This was poignantly appropriate as we witnessed & experienced the moment of permanent harmony time of the ley lines - as prophesied by geo-biologist Rory Duff – at the crossing point of two of the Earths rarest and most powerful ley lines, her dragon lines.
Then 5 of the conference presenters, all women (including myself) joined at the centre of the group and ushered in the fifth dimension together with sound and movement.
There were incredible sound healers [Source 88] who brought their gifts to the gathering including didgeridoo player Rufus.
I cannot describe the sense of hope and joy in those moments on the sand hill overlooking Uluru. I had terrible experiences in childhood when forced to participate in satanic rituals. The ceremony on the sand hill was the absolute antithesis of what I was forced to experience in childhood. I learned that it is safe to join together with loving individuals en masse for ceremony.
Every soul fragment stolen from me in childhood returned to me during that solstice celebration.
We are now in a time of regeneration. Of healing and renewal. I’m not saying it will be easy. But it will be worth it.
The old satanic paradigm is done. They will fight. But they are done.
Those of us who have fought to stay strong, to educate others, who have refused to follow mandates, we who are not in any way meek or malleable, we are the ones who have inherited the Earth.
To rebuild our communities anew.
To enjoy a fifth dimensional golden age, living in free will, on our beautiful mother Earth.”
The Final Day
The third day seemed to arrive too quickly, knowing that for many it would be the last day spent in the company of such amazing souls. Rufus Rogey launched the day’s events with a very potent performance, backed by the bowls and vocals of Source 88. It set the scene for much-loved Carrie-Anne Fields who was speaking for the third time at a CC Conference. This time she was joined on stage by her twin flame partner, and equally impressive, Chris Bygraves. Their ‘Becoming Superhuman’ presentation was reflected on our feedback forms as being one of many people’s most powerful message.
And as if things could get any better, we were joined by Dr Bryan Ardis from Texas on the big screen for an open Q&A session. The beyond-belief knowledge of this phenomenal man just blew everyone away as we fielded him question after question. The time he spent with us was definitely one of the highlights of the entire conference.
Robert Jameson who is one of Australia’s leading authorities on leylines and earth alignments talked about the ancient wisdom embedded in the earth’s energetic landscape. Next up it was a beautiful presentation from Tim Lassig & Elise Kovac – the twin flame couple met at our second conference at Uluru, came back the following year and Tim proposed on stage (much to Elise’s total surprise!). Luckily, she said yes, because their coming together brought their combined gifts to the world in the form of Source 88. They shared their story, their passion for healing and a twin flame activation. In addition, Tim launched his book A Hitchhikers Guide to Ascension.
Every year we love to invite onto the stage a previous delegate who shares about their growth and inspiration. In fact, it was Tim Lassig who said in one video testimonial, “Come to this Conference and then go out and do something great in the world”. Tim of course embodied that very advice himself, and so did David Trew who shared that after attending three CCCs he was inspired to spread more love in the world and created an app called “Love Drops”. No doubt, he has also inspired others to create something great in the world also.
To conclude the final afternoon session on the last day, two more strong messages of transformation and manifestation were provided by Joanna Walden and Eesha Patel. Joanna shared a cosmic activation experience using heart technology to unlock our divine potential. Eesha Patel shared a galactivation to balance your spiritual self and material wealth, helping people to say goodbye to the old-world belief that spiritual people can’t be wealthy.
Our closing ceremony, led by Judy Satori and accompanied by Rufus on the didge, was simply breathtaking - a perfect, potent finale for the three days and we've never had a closing like it.
Some of us stayed on for Christmas at Sails, and as we left, the rain poured - a gift from Brad Spali’s rainmaker at Mutitjulu. A beautiful sign of the growth to come.
It’s always a rocky exit leaving the bubble of the CCC, but what a time we had, and what memories we’ve made!
This event was a profound reminder of why we gather. It was a convergence of wisdom, healing, connection and empowerment, and for many, a life-changing experience. If you feel called to join us for our next event, we welcome you to step onto this path of expansion and awakening.
In 2025 we move from the desert in the centre of Australia to the ancient Gondwana forest in Queensland’s hinterland for another spectacular gathering. We hope you’ll join us at a beautiful resort in the elevated earth energy of Mt Tamborine.
The journey continues!
The next Cosmic Consciousness Conference will be held 20-22 December 2025. See www.cosmicconsciousness.com.au