It's with such delight that we welcome Angela Maree to the programme at the upcoming Cosmic Consciousness Conference. Angela brings to the event a direct experience of healing and awakening with breathwork. Using a potent combination of sacred ancient traditions and a freedom-fighting spirit, Angela uses the power of connected and conscious breath, meditation, and Quantum Field Healing where she uses the divine love frequency - a frequency through which you can connect with galactic brothers and sisters in higher dimensions.
Angela's own life has been transformed through the power of breathwork. She says "I was blown away by the power of breath to create such massive shifts and unlock new possibilities in my life and I knew at that moment I had to share this ancient knowledge." "I have breathed my way through past-lives to access ancient memories and journeyed way out into the cosmos to remember my true multidimensionality. I have breathed my way through self-doubts, resistance and old destructive ways of thinking and being."
A highlight for everyone attending the Conference will be a group Spirit Breathwork session facilitated by Angela at one of Norfolk Island's sacred sites, where we can ground, heal and enjoy the potent dynamic of lightworkers united in a circle of love and healing.
Angela notes "Love or Munay as my Andean Brothers say, is the most powerful source of energy in the universe. I am dedicated to assisting humanity, how to tap into this energy so together we elevate our love frequency to its fullest and highest self".
Angela uses her life experience, daily immersive practices and sacred teachings from various teachers throughout the world and her connection to other dimensions, to guide each and every session. With other tools such as ceremonial cacao, plant medicines and spirits, the magical power of embodied dance and Reiki to unlock emotions, childhood traumas and energy flows that have been suppressed, her clients are able to feel free and reclaim their true power. These modalities are sometimes combined, to guide individuals and groups into non-ordinary states of consciousness to access parts of themselves that usually function outside of daily awareness.
Angela is an A1 member and has attended, co-ordinated and spoken at Freedom Rallies throughout Queensland and says she is more aware of her mission, realising that she has a greater impact with her healing abilities and how that is assisting humanity at a higher level now. Like many lightworkers, she has always felt connected, but like many of us, has struggled in a spiritually deficient society. She says "I know I am here of Service and I have always done this work, I just didn’t understand what it was I was here to do until my awakening."
'I am not here to follow trends. I follow my own heart, my intuition and the divine guidance from Spirit to harmonise the energy with each sacred session. When I hold space, I bring my complete presence and honour the journey of connecting you back to your heart."
And in true freedom warrior style, Angela reminds us: "You are a divine being. If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm."
Discover more about Angela at her website >> HERE
The next Cosmic Consciousness Conference is being held on the enchanted Norfolk Island, 20-23 September over the powerful Equinox period. Join us for a transformational time! See for more information.